Alumni Association bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters and other association documents.
Unanimously approved at Phi-Mu Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Association meeting
February 24, 2024
Bowling Green State University
ARTICLE I (Name) SECTION 1. The name of the Association shall be Phi Mu Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Association.
ARTICLE II (Purpose) SECTION 1. The objects for which the corporation will be formed are: 1. To promote and further the welfare and interests of the members of this association. 2. To stimulate and to broaden thought and to crystallize sentiment; by encouraging communication amongst members, while promoting the ideal of intellectual life and the points of view of the members. 3. To encourage sound undergraduate Chapter management and to provide continuity to undergraduate operations through support of an Alumni Advisory Board. 4. To support the undergraduate membership, as needed, with funding for and in support of chapter housing. 5. To promote the on-going growth and development of all association members, both alumni and undergraduate.
ARTICLE III (Membership) SECTION 1. Categories. The members of the association shall be in two categories (a) Alumni and (b) Undergraduate. SECTION 2. Members of Phi Mu Zeta Alumni Association are alumni in good standing under the terms and provisions of the Constitution and Statutory Code of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. SECTION 3. Members of Phi Mu Zeta Alumni Association who are known as “undergraduate members” must be in good standing under the terms and provisions of the Constitution and Statutory Code of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. SECTION 4. Association membership dues are $25 per member (alumni only) per calendar year. In lieu of a membership fee, alumni members may choose to donate $25 to the Lambda Chi Alpha Chapter Phi Mu Zeta Program Fund via the Bowling Green State University Foundation.” SECTION 5. Each alumni member of this association, present at a duly called meeting, shall be entitled to one vote.
ARTICLE IV (Meetings) SECTION 1. The meetings of this Alumni Association shall be held on the weekend of the Bowling Green State University Homecoming Weekend and on the weekend of the Phi Mu Zeta Founder’s Day, which will be held on the last Saturday of February. Any other meeting will be determined as needed by the quorum of the Alumni Association. SECTION 2. Quorum for any meeting of the Alumni Association shall consist of a minimum of two of the four elected Alumni Association officers plus the total number of members present. SECTION 3. Written Notices of the association shall be delivered by the Secretary to the members of the association at least ten days before the date of the meetings, except in an emergency situation. SECTION 4. At meetings of the association, the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Reports of undergraduate Zeta Officers 2. Reports of Alumni Association officers 3. Reports of committees 4. Unfinished business 5. New business 6. Officer elections (Founder’s Day only) 7. Announcements
ARTICLE V (Officers) SECTION 1: Alumni Association officer elections will be every Founder’s Day and will be staggered by position: The President and Secretary will be elected during even years; the Vice President and Treasurer will be elected during odd years. All offices are held for two-year terms. SECTION 2: Candidates for officer positions must be in good standing with Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity and within the Association. SECTION 3: The Chapter Hi Pi shall also serve as an officer of the Alumni Association. SECTION 4: The Alumni Association President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer along with the Chapter High Pi will be known as the Executive Committee. SECTION 5: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Alumni Association and shall execute all contracts and documents required in conducting the general business of the association, with the approval of the Executive Committee. The president shall preside over meetings of the Alumni Association. The President shall lead the strategies for and oversee the planning and executions of all programs and activities related to the Purpose of the Alumni Association (Article II). The President shall appoint and oversee chairs for each standing committee of the Alumni Association and shall seek regular progress updates from each committee. SECTION 6. The Vice President shall, in the absence or incapacity of the President, be vested with all the powers and perform all the duties of the President. The Vice President shall act as the Alumni Association’s communication director with responsibility across all communications channels including, but not limited to, social media, newsletters and website. The Vice President will serve as the Alumni Association’s event planner and work with the undergraduate High Rho for the Alumni Association Homecoming and Founder’s Day events and meetings along with any other Alumni Association sponsored events. The Vice President will sit on the Alumni Advisory Board as the Rho advisor and act as communications liaison between the Alumni Association and the Advisory Board. SECTION 7. The Secretary shall be responsible for the collection, maintenance and storage of Alumni Association member data using an appropriate data management platform. The Secretary shall officially call all general association meetings, keep minutes of those meetings, produce copies of those minutes and make them available through one of the following methods: social media, e-mail, direct mail or any other appropriate method. These minutes shall be released no later than 30 days after an Alumni Association sponsored meeting. SECTION 8. The Treasurer shall have care and custody of the funds and securities of the association, and all checks, notes, and drafts. The treasurer shall sign orders for payment of money with the approval of the President and Vice President. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and maintenance of the Reserve Fund. The Treasurer will report balances, deposits, and disbursements of all accounts under his authority at each meeting of the Alumni Association. SUBSECTION A Definition of Financial Accounts and Disbursement of Funds: The Reserve Fund is an account made up of contributions, of an amount determined by Lambda Chi Alpha International Fraternity, from the undergraduate chapter. The Alumni Association is the guardian of these funds. The intent of the Reserve Fund is to have contingency funds for the undergraduate chapter, whether that be for an emergency or special long-term needs of the chapter. The Alumni Association President and Treasurer shall have signature authority on these accounts. The undergraduate Tau will be compliant with the guidelines set by Lambda Chi Alpha International Fraternity and produce a check for the appropriate amount at the Homecoming and Founders Day meetings, respectively. The Alumni Association Fund shall be comprised of the Alumni Accounts in the form of traditional banking products and an account with the Bowling Green State University Foundation, for the Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Association. The Alumni Association President and Treasurer shall have signature authority on these accounts The Alumni Association Fund will be comprised of Alumni dues, if collected, contributions and fundraising activities. The Bowling Green State University Foundation fund is a fund collected through the University Alumni Office. The Alumni Association will be the custodian of this fund. No banking relationship, line of credit, loans, or any other form of financial relationship on behalf of the Alumni Association shall be entered without approval of the Association and must have, at the minimum, both the Association President and Treasurer for signature authority. Allocations of any funds to the undergraduate chapter from any account are contingent upon the compliance of any obligation set forth by Lambda Chi Alpha International Fraternity. Allocation of any Reserve Fund monies shall not be considered a loan and will not include any penalties or interest. Any request for allocations from the Reserve Fund or Alumni Association Fund or Bowling Green State University Foundation Fund shall be subject to the following procedure: 1.The Undergraduate Executive Committee unanimously agrees to the amount requested. If a specific amount is not known, the items or service requested must be unanimously agreed upon with a proposed budget or estimate. 2. The approved request will then be presented to the Alumni Association President and Treasurer. They will also determine the appropriate account for allocation by majority vote. 3. This procedure does not prohibit any motions to the Alumni Association in general for disbursement of Alumni Association funds. SECTION 9. Any officer or committee member may be removed from their position by a vote of the active association membership at a general meeting of the association as defined under ARTICLE IV.
ARTICLE VII (Standing or Special Committees and Structure) SECTION 1. Each standing or special committee shall have a committee chairman appointed by the President who shall be responsible for appointing committee members and overseeing committee responsibilities. SECTION 2: The Alumni Scholarship Committee will exist to define, solicit submissions for, select and award alumni-funded scholarships. The number and types of scholarships funded are at the discretion of the Alumni Association and are dependent on sustained funding within the Alumni Association account through the BGSU Foundation and Alumni Dues Account as well as potential requests of donors. Scholarships can include, but are not limited to, ones that pay the dues of an undergraduate member in good standing. The Alumni Scholarship Committee Chairman will be the Alumni Advisory Board Sigma Advisor or other alumnus selected by the President. Selection of the scholarship recipient shall be approved by majority vote of the following: The Executive Board, and three (3) at-large members appointed by the Alumni Scholarship Committee Chairman. SECTION 3. In the event it becomes necessary, the Alumni Association shall appoint a Housing Committee to be composed of six members: the undergraduate Chapter President, the High Pi, the Alumni Association Treasurer, and three (3) members elected by a majority of the general association. The purpose of this committee will be to assist the Chapter in the general operation of the Chapter house and ensure that the Chapter is meeting all standards defined by the University or Lambda Chi Alpha International Fraternity for this residence. The Alumni Association Treasurer will function as Chairman of this committee. SECTION 4: The Learning & Development Committee will exist to fulfill the Alumni Association’s purpose of furthering the education and development of the Association membership, both alumni and undergraduate. The Learning & Development Committee will be responsible for planning and executing activities that could include but are not limited to: an alumni/undergraduate mentoring program, career panel discussions, health and wellness seminars, self-paced learning, job shadowing. The President will appoint a Chairman for the Learning & Development Committee. SECTION 5. Additional standing or special committees may be created by the Alumni Association President or through action of the Association.
ARTICLE VI (Property) SECTION 1. No property, real or personal, owned or acquired by the Association shall be sold, transferred, or assigned without the affirmative vote of the association, which shall be given by vote at a meeting called for the purpose of action here on. A majority vote of those members present in person shall constitute an affirmative vote of the Association. SECTION 2. In the event that the charter of Phi Mu Zeta is suspended or revoked for any reason, all property, both real and personal, belonging to said Zeta and to this association shall pass to Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. of Indianapolis, Indiana, in trust for the following uses and purposes: • The property may be held or sold at the sole discretion of the trustee. • The trustees shall, if sufficient funds are available, first pay any outstanding liabilities of the Zeta and this association that remain unpaid at the time the assets are transferred to the trustee. • During the term of the trust the income of the trust fund shall be paid to Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, Inc., of Indianapolis, Indiana. • If the said Zeta is reactivated within a period of fifteen years from the date of the commencement of this trust, the trust shall terminate, and the proceeds shall be distributed to a not-for-profit association that shall be organized for the same purposes as this association was organized. • In the event that the said Zeta is not reactivated within the said term of fifteen years, then at the end of the said term the trust shall terminate, and the proceeds shall be distributed to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, Inc., of Indianapolis, Indiana. SECTION 3. Should this association be dissolved while Phi Mu Zeta is still an active Chapter, all property, real and personal, belonging to this association shall prior to dissolution be conveyed to a new association to be organized for the same purposes as this association was organized, and upon failure to organize said association, all property, real and personal, shall be conveyed to Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., of Indianapolis, Indiana prior to said dissolution.
ARTICLE VIII (Bylaw Adoption and Amendments) SECTION 1. Adoption: an affirmative vote of a majority attending the meeting of the Alumni Board at which these Bylaws are considered for adoption, and they shall become effective immediately upon adoption. SECTION 2. Amendments: amendments to these Bylaws may be made upon approval of two-thirds majority of the association present at any meeting at which they are proposed.