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Learn more about becoming a member of the Phi-Mu Zeta chapter.

We look for men who want to be CONTRIBUTORS to a better world. We work to create BOLD brothers through education, leadership and service. And we're proud of our anti-hazing culture and reputation for creating a welcoming and SAFE ENVIRONMENT. Come check us out!

(PHI-MU 569)
I decided to join Lambda Chi Alpha because I wanted to get involved with philanthropy through Feeding America and with all the leadership opportunities the fraternity has. I also thought it would be a great place to meet new people and find lifelong brothers.
Joining Lambda Chi Alpha has been exciting, and growing closer to all the brothers has been such a rewarding experience for me.”

Fraternity — specifically Lambda Chi Alpha — is an experience of lifelong relationships that will provide you a storehouse of memories and opportunities. Yet, it is much, much more.
When you need someone to talk to, you will always find a brother who is genuinely interested and who really cares about what happens to you. You will find a brother who understands that you are only human and are seeking to improve yourself in many ways.

In a very real sense, the Fraternity creates a family relationship among its members. It aims to bring together a group of young men who will be congenial, loyal, and helpful to one another during some of the best years of their lives — the college years.
Lambda Chi Alpha was the first fraternity to abolish pledges when associate membership replaced pledging in 1972. Since that time, associate members have had full and equal rights in the chapter, including voting privileges and the ability to hold office, attend all meetings and functions, and wear the letters and regalia of the Fraternity.
Why become part of Greek Life at BGSU?
Greek Life is truly special at BG, no matter what fraternity you become part of. The true value is the lifelong connections and the amazing network of brothers. It's easy to be intimidated by Greek Life, but don’t let it be because you don’t realize how rewarding it is until you become part of it.
What is Rush?
Rushing is when students become acquainted with the different fraternities or sororities on campus, and the process can range from very formal and structured to informal and casual. Normally, rush occurs at the beginning of the fall and/or spring semester, and it lasts about a two weeks. During this time, students meet with different fraternities and/or sororities on campus and get to know the members and the organization’s values, which can focus on things like philanthropy, leadership, or religion, to decide whether or not to become an Associate. At the same time, the members are getting to know the students, too, and also figuring out whether or not they would be a good fit for their particular chapter.
What is an Associate Member?
An Associate Member is a new member; Lambda Chi Alpha does not have pledges. An Associate member has the same rights and privileges as an initiated member, except for knowledge of the initiation ritual.
Does Lambda Chi Alpha Haze?
Hazing is a thing of the past. We were the first fraternity to abolish pledgeship in 1972 and have denounced hazing in all forms. From day one, you will fully experience Lambda Chi Alpha membership and will enjoy every aspect of brotherhood as an Associate Member. You’ll be educated on our history and values and learn what it means to lead with loyalty and purpose.
What is a Bid?
A formal invitation to join the fraternity given to selected students at the end of rush. Signing a bid allows you to become an associate member.
What kind of time commitment will it be?
Balance is the most important aspect of being a Lambda Chi Alpha brother. There are weekly commitments, like chapter meetings, but you don’t need to be in the house or around 24 hours a day. We make sure brothers are staying organized and balanced in all of their classes and involvement on campus.
Will I need to pay dues, and, if so, how much?
Yes. Dues are approximately $550 per semester for both Active and Associate Members (as mentioned above, Associate Members enjoy the same rights and privileges as an Active Member). Associate Members also pay a small initiation fee as well (approximately $65).
What do the dues pay for?
Dues go to many of the programs that the house runs, including rush, philanthropy and volunteer service projects, social mixers and brotherhood events. Therefore, any out-of-pocket expenses after the dues is minimal.
Can I live in the house?
YES, AND WE ENCOURAGE IT! No matter if you live in the house or not, however, most likely you will end up living with brothers on campus or in an apartment together. All brothers have full functionality of the house at all times and are encourage to be there.
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